Tertullian on the Trinity: Views from an Early Church Father

The Trinity, a cornerstone of Christian doctrine, represents a complex philosophy involving three...

Understanding the Term “Begotten” in the Context of Jesus’s Identity

In exploring the profound scriptures of John 3:16, the term “begotten” emerges as a pivotal concept...

Interpreting Prehistoric Existence: Dinosaurs as Mentioned in the Bible

This article is derived from a silly little book I wrote for my son, Jacob. JACOB-SARUS: THE TALE OF...

Paul the Apostle’s Miracles, Signs, and Wonders: A Deeper Look

Paul the Apostle’s journey from a fervent persecutor of Christians to a leading figure in spreading...

Debunking the “King James Only” Myth: An Analytical Approach

The King James Only controversy continues to stir debate within some Christian circles, particularly...

Understanding the Christian Command: “Husbands Love Your Wives”

The enduring command “husbands love your wives,” rooted deeply in Christian faith, resonates through...

Why King David was Known as ‘A Man After My Own Heart’

In the sacred annals of biblical history, few phrases resonate as profoundly as “a man after...

Discovering Neofiti: An In-depth Look into the Targum Neofiti

 Targum Neofiti, a monumental ancient translation, stands as the most expansive edition amongst the...

Understanding Peter’s Vision in Acts 10: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Meaning and Significance

In the context of the interpretation of Peter’s vision, which involves a sheet filled with...

Torahism: Another Branch of Replacement Theology

Divine Trinity: Apologetics for the Triune God

Dispensationalism: Israel, The Church, Jews, and Gentiles

Ephesians: Study Guide



Michael “M.J.” Kelley II has been studying with (Dr. Chuck Missler) for over a decade, having successfully completed over fifty courses in spirituality, devotion, prayer, and finding God. He is currently enrolled in Louisiana Baptist University where he is working towards finalizing his Ph.D. of Arts in Biblical Studies degree. His life experiences have brought him to a deeper faithful, loving, and devoted love for God. He would be the first to tell you how difficult actionable and effective prayer can be. Michael knows that understanding God and how He works is a lifelong task requiring a lifelong commitment. God has been so very instrumental in directing Michael’s life

Michael “M.J.” Kelley II is a retired Lieutenant in Texas as a Peace Officers. He now spends his time and efforts helping to build new churches, and home churches, around the world, having built one so far in Ghana Africa, but hopes to help raise funds for many more to be built. He lives in The Woodlands, Texas with his beloved wife of twelve years and four adoring children.

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